Tuesday 29 November 2011

Act 5


It is me Paris and I have a few things to say that are just things that I find totally awesome!! #1 It would of been awesome if I survived in the book just like the movie.. #2 It would of been awesome if I had got Juliet in the end and that she didnt die. #3 It would be awesome if the King would name me King before he dies.


Paris is important in the play because he has to marry Juliet so he kind of was the reason for her to fake death. Juliet needed a plan to get out of Verona so she faked death which caused Romeo to kill himself and for Juliet to find him dead and then she kills herself. So Paris is a very important role in the play without him who knows what would happen..

Wednesday 23 November 2011

Act 4

Journalist: Hello Paris, I am Sir Clay Cochrane and I have a few questrions if you don't mind.. Firstly, when was the last time you saw Juliet and what did she say to you?

Paris: I saw her early the night she passed away and she said that she was going to have a night on her own, I also confirmed that we would get married and I also kissed her.

Journalist: Did she seem excited about marrying you?

Paris: She seemed a lot more excited about marrying me then that Romeo character..

Journalist: Do you know where Romeo is now?

Paris: No, all I know is that he is not near my love Juliet and is banished!

Journalist: Do you think Romeo had anything to do with the death of Juliet?

Paris: I think he did have something to do with her death. I think he said something to her or did something to her to make her commit suicide or maybe even poisoned her cause she said that she loved me.

Journalist: Are there any other people you are suspious?

Paris: Yes, he isnt't my number one suspect but I feel like the Friar had something to do with this aswell. I hope he didn't but I just have this feeling.

Journalist: what about the Nurse?

Paris: No I trust her and she promised she gave me honest answers to the questions I asked.

Journalist: Thank you for your time.

Paris: Yeah, whatever.

Monday 21 November 2011

Act 3

Now that I know that Romeo and Juliet having a thing is not a rumor I am more then outraged!! But Romeo is now banished so it's my time to move on in and start woeing her. Juliet's parents want her to marry me and so does the nurse. If she were to not marry me her parents would disown her. I wll woe Juliet and I will marry her. Her cousin Tybalt died from Romeo stabbing him and he was not a man that deserved to die so young. Those gorbellied, milk-livered, maggot-pie Montagues have all the rights to die.. I believe Juliet loves but she doesn't know it yet.

Monday 14 November 2011

Act 2

Rumor has it that Juliet of the Capulet family is in love with a Montague. If this is true Juliet would be a disgrace to the Capulet's. Montague's suck they are no good to Verona and should be forced to leave. I hope this is a rumor if it's not she will ruin the Capulet family and cause crazy things to happen. This might even cause another brawl, and if that happens the Prince will not be too happy.. Once Juliet's parents find out about this rumor Juliet will be in a lot of trouble. Juliet if you read this, don't talk to any Montague's the rumors will just get worse.                                                   

Monday 7 November 2011

Act 1

Today was an exciting day for me; I got permission finally from Juliet’s father (Lord Capulet) that I could marry his daughter. Her family rules 50% of the town and I’m going to be a part of it and eventually be the Lord! The wedding will be so beautiful it’s going to be the best day of our lives.
            Juliet and I both attended the Capulet’s party where I got drunk and Juliet got mad at her mom for talking to me. Well she obviously isn’t mad at me she must have some issues with her mom. I think Lady Capulet was flirting with me, so both Juliet and Lady Capulet want me.