Monday 14 November 2011

Act 2

Rumor has it that Juliet of the Capulet family is in love with a Montague. If this is true Juliet would be a disgrace to the Capulet's. Montague's suck they are no good to Verona and should be forced to leave. I hope this is a rumor if it's not she will ruin the Capulet family and cause crazy things to happen. This might even cause another brawl, and if that happens the Prince will not be too happy.. Once Juliet's parents find out about this rumor Juliet will be in a lot of trouble. Juliet if you read this, don't talk to any Montague's the rumors will just get worse.                                                   


  1. The rumours are true and I can't marry you. I am already married to ROmeo Montague!

  2. You wish you could get Juliet. She hate's you and love's Romeo! Leave and nevewr return.

  3. Hahahahahahahahahahahaa. Forever Alone.

  4. The rumour is true and the man is Romeo and they are married happily!

  5. Dear Paris,

    Haha. You can't even keep a woman you bought.

    - Love, Lord Montague.
