Monday 7 November 2011

Act 1

Today was an exciting day for me; I got permission finally from Juliet’s father (Lord Capulet) that I could marry his daughter. Her family rules 50% of the town and I’m going to be a part of it and eventually be the Lord! The wedding will be so beautiful it’s going to be the best day of our lives.
            Juliet and I both attended the Capulet’s party where I got drunk and Juliet got mad at her mom for talking to me. Well she obviously isn’t mad at me she must have some issues with her mom. I think Lady Capulet was flirting with me, so both Juliet and Lady Capulet want me.


  1. I like how much a snob out of him and made him sound all high-and-mighty.

  2. Paris, worry not, Juliet knows what is best for her family, so your future together still seems good.

  3. I don't know you but you sound very confident and perhaps full of yourself. I would like to see you back up your big mouth. Juliet probably doesnt even like you.

  4. Paris, I challenge you to a joust for Juliet's heart. I will win.

  5. Juliet is Romeo's, you nappy headed hoe

  6. I don't want to marry you and I don't think I can love you.
