Tuesday 29 November 2011

Act 5


It is me Paris and I have a few things to say that are just things that I find totally awesome!! #1 It would of been awesome if I survived in the book just like the movie.. #2 It would of been awesome if I had got Juliet in the end and that she didnt die. #3 It would be awesome if the King would name me King before he dies.


Paris is important in the play because he has to marry Juliet so he kind of was the reason for her to fake death. Juliet needed a plan to get out of Verona so she faked death which caused Romeo to kill himself and for Juliet to find him dead and then she kills herself. So Paris is a very important role in the play without him who knows what would happen..


  1. Your now invited to the dead party!

  2. I'm sad you and my juliet couldn't marry

  3. The sad thing is that those "awesome things" wont come true for you....
